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Company Profile History International Presence Organisational Structure Iridium within the ACS Group Awards and recognition

 11/03/2009 ACS/Iridium, Worldwide Leader in concessions

ACS/Iridium leader again in 2009 in the classification of the major groups in the promotion and development of infrastructure-concession projects in the world, according to the ranking published annually by the magazine 'Public Works Financig? (PWF).

In 2009 ACS leads the ranking of the main concession groups in the world for the third year running, according to the table published annually by the journal Public Works Financing (PWF).

The Abertis group, in which ACS has the 25.8% of share, comes fourth in the ranking, while the German group Hochtief, of whose capital ACS holds 30%, comes eleventh.

The Spanish presence is represented in the world top ten in the world with seven major constructors and developers groups. Iridium (ACS), Globalvía (FCC and Caja Madrid), Cintra (Ferrovial), Abertis (ACS and Caixa), OHL, Sacyr and Necso (Acciona..

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