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 12/19/2010 Financial closing of Hospital Can Misses (Spain)

The Gran Hospital Can Misses S.A. Group, with Iridium Concesiones de infraestructuras SA having 40% participation, closed the financing on the 19th of December 2010 for the construction, conservation and operation of the new health complex Can Misses and two associated health centres. The concession period is thirty-two years and seven months, with an estimated total investment of 130 million Euros.

The new health complex is configured as a comprehensive solution for the health requirements of the Ibiza Island inhabitants as well as the floating population that occupies the region on a seasonal basis, with the doubling of the existing hospital capacity and provisions.

The financial structure of this project comprises a 27-year bank loan for 99.6 million Euros, covered by a pool of four banks: ING, which was the financial adviser for the Group during the bidding phase, WestLB, Natixis and Dexia Sabadell.

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